Home / News / Boston Holocaust Museum plans take shape

Boston Holocaust Museum plans take shape

Jul 31, 2023Jul 31, 2023

The Holocaust Museum and Education Center will be located along the Freedom Trail. Courtesy of Schwartz Silver Architects

The organization behind Boston's upcoming Holocaust Museum and Education Center is filing architectural renderings today with city planning officials.

Driving the news: A stainless-steel metal fabric will wrap the facade of the six-story building, representing the curtains that remained drawn in Jewish households as the Nazi regime gained power, according to the firm Schwartz/Silver Architects.

Why it matters: As Massachusetts sees a surge in antisemitic incidents, the museum's design makes the legacy of the genocide impossible to ignore.

What they’re saying: "We’re hoping that people understand the dangers of intolerance, discrimination and the consequences of unchecked state power," says Jody Kipnis, co-founder of the foundation.

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